Monday, October 5, 2015

What is Jesus's Greatest Moment? ➶

●We all know that Jesus gave His life up for us because of the love He had for us●

Kings and Queens of the world all have their greatest moments - eg. the contributions they made to their kingdoms.
These moments are moments they are extremely proud of!
What about our King Jesus? What is His greatest moment?
Is it the miracles He made for the people? Is it Him healing the sick? Is it when the people worshipped Him?
❌No ❌
Jesus's greatest moment is when He sacrificed Himself for YOU on the cross
when He laid His life down for YOU and saved YOU!
This is how much we, as children of God, are valued and loved ♥︎


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Too blessed to be stressed.

"Do not be anxious about anything, 
 but in every situation, 
 by prayer and petition, 
 with thanksgiving, 
 present your requests to God."
- Philippians 4:6 

Everyday, we experience worries, fears and anxiety.

However our Lord doesn't want us to worry, be fearful or anxious
Let's just rest on the Lord and let him handle all our cares!
Cast our cares unto God and He will do the rest ;)
For our walk with God is always upwards,
so even if you fall, you fall UPWARDS. ↟
Upward falling causes us to grow and learn as a person
Let's worry less and give it all to Jesus!! ⚓️


Monday, September 28, 2015

You are B E A U T I F U L ♥

All things are created by our Daddy God,
so are YOU!
Like what pastor said, He didn't just pick up a speck of dust, blow and poof there you are 
❀ God created us humans with His own hands carefully and delicately ❀

So if you feel small, inadequate, ugly or whatever that lowers your self-esteem
just be reminded of how much love and care Daddy God put into creating you!☜


Saturday, September 26, 2015

The battle is not yours.

Even when it hurts(Praise Song) - Hillsong Empires

No matter what you are facing
No matter how big of a challenge it is
No matter how much it hurts
Praise Jesus with all your heart because our God is a BIG God.
He is bigger than whatever that we face, bigger than all our problems added together!

In 2 Chronicles 20, it says that King Jehoshaphat and his people bowed down and worshipped The Lord amidst the battle against their enemies.
Then they find that their enemies started attacking each other, 
and one by one the enemies were killed.

Today Alvin and Pastor Dan touched on 2 Chronicles just as i was blogging halfway at home!! 
I feel that God is really telling us to just let Him do the work and we can just praise Him☺
The Lord fights for you so you do not need to fight cos' the battle is not yours but The Lord's☺
Therefore just praise Jesus amidst your problems and challenges!!

"Your praise will pave a WAY to a RACE in your life!" ♡


Friday, September 25, 2015

He gave His only Son.

God so loved the world
He gave His only Son
Perfect love upon the cross
I'll never ever know
How deep
How wide
Are the oceans of His heart
Full of Love and Grace for us

- Freely Forgiven

The lyrics of the song really depicts John 3:16, about how we can never know how much our Daddy God loves us
His love for us exeeds all understanding!! ;')


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